“Funniest Person with a Day Job” will chronicle a potentially life-changing contest run by an iconic Canadian comedy club, The Comic Strip. The celebrated venue is a revered comedy club in Edmonton run by charismatic owners Rick and Tammy Bronson. Each year the club hosts their wildly popular contest for open-mic amateurs (who have regular jobs) to see who will win the coveted title. The contest is judged by well-known celebrity comics – Ali Wong, Russell Peters, Marc Maron, Norm MacDonald, and Nikki Glaser are among the many noted comics who have headlined at the club. The fledgling comics from diverse backgrounds and varied professions anxiously vie to seize the opportunity to parlay their short stint on stage into a seminal moment that will change the trajectory of their career & life.
Filming is scheduled to begin in the upcoming spring – we are excited to chronicle this epic competition in what will surely be a series fraught with drama and humour.