I Know a Guy – Calgary Home Renovations


Testimonials are always a great way for a business to highlight their products and services.  This video is a testimonial video used by “I Know a Guy Renovations” to showcase one of their satisfied clients.  These sorts of videos are a great way to build trust and and credibility.  Prospective clients can see actual clients give their real opinions – a genuinely happy client is the best salesperson your company will ever have and producing a testimonial video documenting a satisfied client is surely the optimum way to leverage their satisfaction.

These types of videos are easily distributed on all social media platforms – according to HubSpot, 78% of people watch videos on-line every week and 75% of business owners and employees watch work-related videos weekly. When someone is the subject of a testimonial video they are very likely to share it with their peers and social network.  As a result of this ability and propensity to share this video content, the number of referrals companies receive are increased.  Another compelling stat from HubSpot reports that having the word “video” in an email subject line increases click-through rates by 65%.