In this short documentary, renowned corporate hypnotist and motivational speaker Wayne Lee returns to Lamont 20 years after he first worked there as a teacher. In this compelling piece,Wayne has a chance encounter with the first person that he ever…
The Podcast Kid is a completed 3-part web documentary series featuring Cassius Morris. Cassius is a 16 year-old podcaster who hosts a weekly podcast from his basement in Edmonton Alberta – he has interviewed everyone from Eric Singer of KISS…
This video highlights Performance Expert / Professional Speaker / Stage Hypnotist Wayne Lee. Wayne employs this video to send out to speaker bureaus and prospective clients to highlight his high energy show and dispel certain myths about hypnosis and the power…
This video was the 1st episode of a 6-part series completed for CrossFit HQ. It features charismatic British Army veteran Mike Burgess dedicated himself to becoming fit. The 42-year-old lives with post-traumatic stress disorder but says he doesn’t let…
The streamlined ability of video producers to be mobile and the ability to quickly shoot, edit and broadcast material have enabled us to go to environments and get the context of events that traditionally we have not had access to…
Bellow is a blog post I wrote for Notch video for a series titled “So, how much did that video cost”. It highlights the idea that having interesting subject matter is the key to an engaging video. While viewers always…
The video was part of a national advertising campaign we produced for Le Chateau. The ad appeared on the web and in a national chain of movie theatres. RabbitView has also had the opportunity to produce video content for…